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As Madalenas

AKAMU representation: world exclusivity
For info and costs please contact Luciano Bertrand

As Madalenas

Cristina Renzetti - vocals and guitar
Tati Valle - vocals and guitar

They are amongst the most active performers of Brazilian music in Italy, the two singer-songwriters met in 2013 to combine their voices, guitars, percussions and give life to this unique project, full of freshness and intensity.
With hundreds of concerts performed, their first album "Madeleine", released in 2015, positively surprises audiences and critics. It was a success for the Italian and Brazilian critics: "O Globo" (Brazil) wrote: "Pure harmony!".
"One of the best Brazilian records of the year" according to "Il Venerdi di Repubblica" and "Panorama" magazines.
In their second work "Vai, menina" (2018) the extraordinary guest, the great Brazilian composer Guinga, stands out.
The third album "As Madalenas" (2023) is an album born and raised by four hands, a work made up of meetings, emotions personally experienced in recent years, small intimate stories in a shape of a song. The raw material is music itself, vital in its simplicity, the unthought and unprocessed emotions, the fundamental feelings that nourish the human being".

As Madalenas (quintet version)

Cristina Renzetti - vocals, guitar and percussion
Tati Valle - vocals, guitar and perciussion
Roberto Taufic - guitar
Ferruccio Spinetti - double bass and electric bass
Bruno Marcozzi - drums and percussion

• cristina renzetti •

Singer, author, for years she has been carrying out research on the world of music, on Brazilian author music and jazz, creating national and international collaborations and partnerships.
She was born in Terni in 1981, from an Abruzzo family, she began singing and working at a very young age in the jazz scene of Bologna, her city of adoption.
She is an former member of the band "Jacaré", of the duo "As Madalenas" (with the Brazilian Tati Valle) and of the "Trio Correnteza" with the clarinetist Gabriele Mirabassi and the guitarist Roberto Taufic. With this practice she has released two albums, "Correnteza" (Hemiolia Records 2016) entirely dedicated to the music of Tom Jobim and "Agreste" on the music of "Interior" (S'ard Music 2018), recorded in Sardinia with the collaboration of the great Sardinian singer Elena Ledda.
Cristina also has an intense live performing activity in Italy and Europe.
From 2006 to 2011 she lived between Italy and Rio de Janeiro. In Brazil she played and collaborated with important instrumentalists and composers of the contemporary carioca scene including Tira Poeira, Joana Queiroz, Sergio Krakowski, Vitor Gonçalves, Thiago Amud, Gutu Wirtti, Edu Neves.
In 2011 she participated, as the first foreign singer, at the historic music program of TV Globo "Som Brasil" as a tribute to Jackson do Pandeiro, together with artists such as Lenine and Otto.
In 2017 she recorded "Dieci lune", the second solo album entirely in Italian. In 2022 she recorded "Yatra Songs" with Enzo Pietropaoli Quartet, together with Julian Oliver Mazzariello, Fulvio Sigurtà and Alessandro Paternesi.

Official Biography (in italian)

• tati valle •

Tatiana Valle, singer, instrumentalist and songwriter originally from Londrina (Paranà, Brazil) at a very young age she began her musical activity in Brazil giving life to many projects related to the research of Brazilian author music and samba, with an intense live activity and participating to numerous television and radio programs in the state of Paraná.
She performed at the festival FILO 2007 (Londrina International Theater Festival), creating the fusion of samba-funk and samba-rock, genres present in the sonority of the singer, who is also the composer of some of the songs that complete the repertoire.
She collaborated with projects sponsored by Promic such as the "Quizomba e outros Batuques" (from 2005 to 2007).
Singer of the Coro Scenico Chorus in the Opera de Gershwin in 2003.
Voice and character in the Theater "Calabar - O Elogio da Traição" Opera by Chico Buarque and Ruy Guerra at the Festival de Música of Londrina (2004), Backing vocal no show by Andrew Tosh (son of Peter Tosh) at the Imbituba Reggae Festival - SC (2006)
She arrives in Italy in July 2007, and right away she begins to collaborate with the Brasil - jazz music scene.
With the Choral Musical Association B.N. and the Beato Nunzio Polyphonic Choir, she recorded the CD "Nativity" (2007).
In 2009 she represented Italy together with the Brasov Philharmonic conducted by Valter Sivilotti, with whom she was the first Brazilian guest of the Italian consulate.
In these early years, together with Giò di Tonno, she recorded the song "Come è bello Aspettare" which was very successful and was presented live on various radio and television broadcasts such as "Domenica In", "Quelli che il calcio", "I Fatti Vostri", "Castrocaro".
Since 2016 she has collaborated with the "Orchestra of Piazza Vittorio" in the show "Credo".
In 2014 "Livro dos dias" (Edel / Cramps) was released, her first album as a singer-songwriter in which she presented herself to the Italian audience with an album of unreleased tracks.
In 2022, together with Giovanni Guaccero, she, publishes "Canto Estrangeiro" for Encore Music Label.

Official Biography (in italian)

• video •

Ciranda da Chuva

Deusa do amor

• discography •

- 2015 "Madeleine" (Brutture Moderne)
- 2018 "Vai, Menina" (Brutture Moderne)
- 2023 "As Madalenas" (Jando Music / Via Veneto Jazz)

• links •

As Madalenas on Facebook

• quotes •

"What happens when two artists, an Italian from Bologna and a Brazilian from Londrina meet? The result is guaranteed success! The couple's work is pure harmony. The repertoire is pure poetry, they are works that ennoble Brazilian music!
"O Globo", Brazil


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